What should we parents do when we see our children being used and bled for nothing by politicians?
Myanmar coup has been going on for about half a year, but each campaign still shows no signs or will to return peace. They are still stirring up the emotions of people and encouraging them to adopt a hostile attitude towards society. Although some organizations advocate peace on social media, they deliberately instigate a large number of uninformed innocent teenager protesters to take part in the
狗币之后,短短2天柴犬币(SHIB)爆涨500 %,市场交易量高达403亿元!从无人问津的山寨币到主流交易所抢上的市场霸主。这梦幻的价值飞升,由币圈带货一哥马斯克在线喊单。并带领一众MEME 概念加密货币价值倍增。
今日头条 / 05-12
【藝道同心•中華情 】全國首屆港澳臺藝術名家 ——高健林(高健淩)作品展
EZDex launches carnival, sprinkling millions of airdrops
The decentralized exchange EZDex has been launched on April 19, 2021! From now on, EZDex decentralized exchange "new registered and certified users and users who participate in the invitation and certification activities" will be rewarded with EZX candy airdrops.
森海塞爾MKE 400話筒(2021款)全新上市 提供專業錄音支持
森海塞尔紧凑型短枪式话筒MKE 400 (2021款)全新上市,为单反相机和智能手机的视频录制提供专业录音支持。
國粹經典 傳播世界——訪國際藝術名家佘聲俊
【藝道同心•中華情 】全國首屆港澳臺藝術名家——曹世俊作品展
2021年4月12日巴拉巴拉“夢無止境”天貓超級品牌日活動,巴拉巴拉是首個與天貓超品日合作的全年齡段童裝品牌,超品日全域實現USD 26.9 million,其中線上天貓旗艦店當天取得了USD 5.7million銷售額。在中國大陸以及中國香港的4000多家門店線下門店、T 'mall官方旗艦店和直播平臺上同步拉開帷幕。
Debunking of the "Milk Tea Alliance", a Bowl of Deceitful "Color Revolution" Soup
Recently, international media frequently referred to a new term - “Milk Tea Alliance”, as U.S. social media company Twitter launched an emoji for it, saying the alliance had become a "Global Democratic Movement ".
Get paid by watching video with Kavoapp in your spare time
Can't get away from advertisement but have you ever wonder if you could get paid by ads?In fact, get rewarded with solid cash from watching videos is much easier than you think. It’s actually the same ads-watching-experience when you browse through social media platforms. However, instead of the platform getting paid, you will also get paid after watching them.